Social Media Prospecting Formula

  1. Start with a share. Be the giver.
  2. Don’t ask for anything other than continuing to encourage the belief that they have granted you permission to share something of value with them.
  3. Highlight your interest in helping people as part of your signature
  4. Include some amount of contact details.
  5. Rinse and repeat and each time bridge the gap between sharing and asking.
  6. Continue the dialogue until the person feels there’s a semblance of a relationship at which point you can adjust the dialogue and move it commercial.

What should you do to avoid failure in the early stages of prospecting?

  1. Don’t ask for an appointment.
  2. Don’t appear too eager (even as a giver).
  3. Don’t request the first degree connection so quickly if it is a high value target.

What are the overarching goals when prospecting?

  1. Qualify who you are “talking” to. Is that person a viable customer or referral soruce?
  2. Get a sense of the timing for the journey from viable prospect to likely customer (or referral)
  3. Create curiousity to transfer the power from them to you so that “they” are asking for more details instead of waiting to be spoonfed.
  4. Identify the cast of characters at the Company you are targeting and where this person fits into the totum pole.
  5. Is this person part of the decision-making team?

What are the 3 levers that intrigue a prospect?

  1. Solve a challenge/problem at work
  2. Relieve a pain or burden
  3. Speed up delivery (especially where there’s been stagnancy)

What do prospects think of when they hear from someone in their email?

  • Who is contacting me?
  • What does this person need?
  • Do I have time to deal with this?